Every space should be designed for well-being, to give people the feeling that they matter as human beings. But how do you create a hospital, specialist department, residential care complex or research environment that feels like it’s for real people? Where clients, employees and visitors feel comfortable and welcome? Where form, function and sustainability are in perfect balance? Start with Wiegerinck.
Verbeeten Institute in Breda (NL)
Plus Ultra incubator in Wageningen (NL)
Design begins with you. Your needs, desires, and ambitions are our shared starting point. Based on our mutual expertise, we enter into a dialogue with you as our client, with future users, advisors, contractors, investors and—last but not least—with our team of innovative architects.
Designing together for the Flevo hospital OR complex in Almere (NL)
A well-founded collaboration with all those involved in your organization is the basis for a strong design. From the new Tergooi MC building to the Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center, we collaborate with our partners to create human-centred, research-driven designs. Our projects are the result of people, working together.
Pleasant waiting area for the Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center in Amsterdam (NL)
Tergooi MC entrance area in Hilversum (NL)
The well-being of guests, visitors, patients, clients and employees is the driving force in everything we design. At the same time, we are acutely aware of the essential business and facility processes inherent to the spaces we work with and know how to handle them. Sometimes compromises are necessary, but we never lose sight of our main goal: to create a completely human-centred space.
Gelderse Vallei Hospital Operating Room in Ede (NL)
Tergooi MC lift plaza in Hilversum (NL)
Budgets are sacred, and sustainability is obviously key. But you be the judge. Have a look at some of our projects. Whether you’re designing a completely new hospital, laboratory or hotel or planning to adapt or expand a specialist department, our projects can offer plenty of inspiration.
Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center at the VU Campus in Amsterdam (NL)
Max Planck Institute extension in Nijmegen (NL)